The PRG6K is a special tool to quickly set the EXT6K (Unit) number.
The PRG6K is made in a special Aluminum body, size 230 x 150 x 70 mm, equipped of one metal handle on the side.
The frontal panel contain all the buttons and connectors necessary for the operation of the system, included: a 20 characters x 4 lines monochrome LCD display module, four keys to individually set the EXTENSION NUMBER (one figure at the time) 0001 up to 9999, one key to READ the EXTENSION situation and parameters and one key to PROGRAM (NEW DATA).
PRG6K is equipped with internal 12V Lead-Acid Battery, in order to be more portable.
To recharge it, is supplied a special charger with a BNC connector, that will use the same output used to set the EXT6K.

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